
Thursday, 11 July 2013

Four Things To Watch For After An Injury

When accidents occur, you may not immediately realize you have been injured. The shock of the accident itself may make it difficult to determine if damage to the body has occurred. Anyone who has been in an accident should be monitored closely for signs that damage has occurred that may not be immediately evident.


Bleeding from a wound is generally seen immediately. However, bleeding can occur inside the brain without an external wound. Bleeding from a wound should receive immediate medical attention. Call for an ambulance and apply direct pressure to the wound. Avoid applying a tourniquet unless absolutely necessary, as this can damage tissue. Bleeding often requires stitches and may indicate further damage within the body. Surgery may be needed to repair damage of the internal organs. Broken bones may protrude through the skin causing bleeding and visible pieces of the bone. These injuries require not only repair and setting of the injured bone, but also care of the open wound.

Symptoms of Head Injury

A head injury is a situation that requires special care. Sometimes, there is no indication If an injured person shows signs of confusion, disorientation, headache, nausea, vomiting, difficulty walking or mood changes, you should seek medical attention immediately. It could be a sign of traumatic brain injury or brain swelling inside the skull. A head injury can cause a concussion and severe injury to the brain. The person may feel headache, bleeding from the eyes or nose, unconsciousness and coma. A head injury that causes unconsciousness can be a medical emergency. Get medical help immediately.


After an accident, pain anywhere in the body is a concern. Pain can be an indicator of fractured bones, muscle tears, nerve damage or other problems. Of course, some pain can be the simple sprains and strains. Minor injuries often respond quickly to simple home treatment and may not require medical care. However, if you are in an accident and have pain, seek medical attention to ensure that no bones have been broken. X-rays and MRIs are common tests to determine if damage has occurred to bones or soft tissues within the body.


Swelling of a body part is an indication that the body is producing fluids in response to an injury. A joint may visibly swell after an injury. The protective fluids may even cause stiffness and pain in the joint. Swelling can also indicate bleeding under the skin. In this case, the skin is usually discolored, as in the common “black-and-blue” of a bruise, or it may be yellowish or purple. Applying ice packs to the area can reduce swelling. However, extensive swelling or bruising should be seen by a physician to ensure that no internal injury has occurred.

Any accident can be serious. If you have been in an accident, getting immediate medical care can be critical. Some injuries can be severe and can lead to long-term disability. For a personal injury attorney Stockton CA residents can call our office to discuss their options.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Medical Negligence Compensation Claims

This is the type of infographic that you'll want to share all over the internet! If you have been the victim of clinical negligence, or if you know someone who has been, you can find all the information you need about making a claim for compensation with this one handy infographic! It's perfect for the victims of dental negligence, GP negligence or malpractice in private and NHS hospitals - in fact, the victims of any kind of clinical negligence can get all the information they need through this single image!
And this infographic isn't just informative, detailed, clear and simple - it is also a pleasure to read! The graphic designers who made it pulled out all the stops, adding exciting and vibrant images, cartoons and cool colour schemes to ensure it's pleasing to the eyes as well as packed with information.
Dealing with questions such as 'which insurers pay out following clinical negligence claims', 'what are the advantages of using an expert solicitor', 'are there any disadvantages of doing so' and 'what is the process of claiming clinical negligence compensation', you'll be sure to be completely informed when you read this infographic! Send it to someone who needs it and do them a good turn.

Click here to view the infogrpahic

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Ignoring Industrial Deafness won’t make it Disappear

Hearing loss is often a part of the aging process. Partial deafness can often even lead to family jokes and cruel tricks demonstrating the lack of respect that this ailment is afforded. In many cases, deafness is caused by the environment in which the sufferer spent a significant amount of their life, most notably their workplace. When a person suffers from hearing loss in the workplace, it is professional known as industrial deafness.

Many industries such as steelworks and mining take place almost exclusively in incredibly loud and stressful environments that will place undue pressure on the ears of the workforce. This undue pressure could lead to long-term effects such as partial or complete hearing loss or tinnitus. All of these ailments could lead to significant repercussions.

Tinnitus is an ailment that affects the hearing of an individual, leading them to suffer from ringing, buzzing, hissing or whistling in their ears. Not only can this be incredibly irritating for the sufferer, it can also lead to nausea, headaches and even fits of fainting.

People who had lost their eyesight through no fault of their own would not sit idly by as they miss some of the most beautiful and poignant moments of their life, so why do so many ignore the fact that they are missing out on beautiful sounds due to the negligence of another party. Whilst no medication will be able to bring their hearing back to its fullest ability, a full and complete compensation package can help ease the situation.

It is not just the older generations working in physical industries who may suffer from industrial deafness, younger generations who work in loud environments like clubs and bars without the correct safety equipment may suffer from loss of hearing and may find significant difficulties in their personal and private lives henceforth.

Anybody who has lost full or partial use of their hearing may be entitled to significant financial compensation from the party responsible for their ailment. This money could go towards easing the pain of deafness, or paying for hearing aids and implements or simply serve as a sense of justice for the party responsible for creating the disability. This justice cannot be brought forth unless action is taken.

Additionally, a successful claim can be used to compensate the loss of earners that a sufferer may experience. An individual who has lost full or partial use of their hearing may not be able to work to their fullest potential in their area of industry. This will be particularly difficult for individuals who have been in the same industry all of their life and feel that it is too late for them to retrain. This could lead to a loss of earnings, jeopardising the individual and any family members who are reliant upon their earnings. 

Specialist law firms can work on behalf of the victim to ensure that they receive the justice and compensation that they deserve. Concise and full understanding of the way in which the legal system works and the factors that need disclosing allows specialist accident claims companies to bring justice to claimants.

Chris Balme Writer @ Walker+

Chris Balme works with Walker Prestons, an accident claims company specialising in helping accident victims receive the compensation that they deserve.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

A Guide to Filing a Personal Injury Claim

When you are involved in an accident that has caused injuries, you can take the driver at fault to court to seek compensation. The process of filing for a personal injury claim can be complicated and stressful. This article will outline how you can process your claim and hopefully getting compensated for your injuries.

After the car accident happens, the first thing you should do is to contact your insurance company and local police department. The police will investigate the accident to determine who was at fault and they will file a report.  Always request a copy of this report since you will need to use it later.
The next step is to visit a doctor for a thorough checkup. This should be done within 24 hours of the accident, regardless of how severe your injuries are. On the outside, your injuries may not look serious. However, after some months, they can develop into something chronic, leaving you to pay large medical treatment bills. You should also take photos of any wounds that may be visible as a result of the accident. If you don’t go to the doctor within the first 24 hours, some insurance companies may not honor your injuries.

Gather as much evidence as you can about the accident. The more evidence you have, the more likely your claim is going to be successful. Some important things you should record include names of eye witnesses, hazardous road conditions, where the accident took place, the time and date of the accident, the injuries that resulted, damage done to both cars, and lost income as a result of the accident. You will have to provide your existing medical records to ensure you are not being treated for a pre-existing condition.  Make sure your treatment is consistent with the injuries you claim.
When you contact your insurance company and ask them for compensation, they will try to get you to settle fast. These companies are looking to save money and will try to low-ball you. Don't rush for a settlement before you know the costs of all injuries associated with the accident and other factors like income lost from missing work.

To ensure you get maximum compensation, it is advisable to hire a personal injury lawyer to take over your case. However, keep in mind that the lawyer may charge you 33% of your total compensation. Therefore, do the math to see whether the amount of compensation you receive is worth hiring a lawyer.  As a rule of thumb, your “pain and suffering” compensation is approximately 3 times your medical expenses.

The best thing about using a lawyer is that the insurance company is likely to take you more seriously, and will probably give you a higher compensation than if you sought made the claim on your own.

If the case goes to court, the settlement amount for your personal injury claim will depend on what the judge deems as "fair and reasonable", in relation to the injuries that you suffered. This amount will be determined based on your medical expenses and how your injuries affected your ability to work. You are likely to get a higher compensation by using a lawyer. However, it will ultimately be up to the court to decide how much you will get paid.

David Hurley

David Hurley writes for, a website that helps people make important decisions regarding car accidents, lawyers and insurance companies.